Sucess: The Stop Ashlee Simpson Petition
Wednesday, February 9th, 2005The Stop Ashlee Simpson Petition sucessfully had the annoying star thrown out of our galaxy. The people have spoken.
The Stop Ashlee Simpson Petition sucessfully had the annoying star thrown out of our galaxy. The people have spoken.
Now Google officially can do everything Yahoo! can do, and do it better! Google just launched a beta of it’s Google Maps site. You can drag around the map with your mouse! No more clicking on stupid arrows to find out what you’re looking for isn’t over there. You’ll also notice in the image below… Continue Reading Google maps!
Mr. Chretien, this is your future: If you keep trying to scuttle this inquiry, and it is proven that you sunk millions of public money into Liberal trinkets for Quebecers, than your legacy will be re-written. One thing Mr. Chretien’s new legacy might have in common with his old is that they will both prove… Continue Reading Mr. Chretien, this is your future
My web site used to get along pretty well with Google. They searched my web site a lot and I gaind some pretty good rankings. I couls just mention some one I know in my blog…. say…. Chris Court A.K.A. Monkey, and pretty soon I was the number one Google result for that person. Well… Continue Reading MSN Search bot
Some one asked Yahoo the question “How will the next Pope be chosen?” What I’m wondering is how will it be covered? Should Jean-Paul the second die, and it will be soon, then a conclave will be held and a the Cardinals will hold a secret ballet to elect the new Pontiff. The ballots are… Continue Reading How will the death of the Pope be covered?