Archive for January, 2010

Montreal F1 Race: They just love cancelling this thing!

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

On January 3 2010, with much excitement, I ordered three tickets to the Formula 1 race in Montreal this June. I gave / my billing information and bought three seats (and a program). My friends and I were excited that we got great seats in grandstand 34 in middle of Montreal’s best corner… Continue Reading Montreal F1 Race: They just love cancelling this thing!

Hate Sakai?

Monday, January 25th, 2010

Hate Sakai? Do I have a “bumper sticker” for you: Opinions on SAKAI Love Sakai? has a “bumper sticker” for that too: Opinions on SAKAI I just find the whole idea of a web site that aggregates opinionated tweets and provides bumper stickers about opinions expressed on Twitter to be a novelty.

The Year of 3D TV

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

Apparently this is the going to be the year of 3D TV, with Avatar, a whole bunch of 3D TVs at CES and to go with that ESPN announcing a 3D channel (I thought there already was an ESPN 3?). I think it’s a classic format debate, where one offers something interesting, but will never… Continue Reading The Year of 3D TV

2009 at

Monday, January 4th, 2010

As well as getting a new look on the main address in 2008 I typed a lot of words that made it to Here’s what they looked like in a Wordle word cloud. An of course this year I finally transitioned from making fun of Twitter to contributing to it, here’s what that… Continue Reading 2009 at