Archive for the 'twitter' Category

Lunch Blog

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

I’ve started a new lunch blog! I encourage you to check it out at The site is obviously more of a joke at the expense of my daily lunch at Brock University of two penut butter and jam sandwiches that I slather in double fruit jam and chunky penut butter before I leave for… Continue Reading Lunch Blog

If My Contact Is On Your Phone, Please Protect It

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

A recent article in the Columbia Journalism Review by Matthieu Aikins underscored the need to protect the contents of your smartphone. If the potential to have your own information stollen or generally snooped through your stuff, please consider this story. The British journalist and filmmaker Sean McAllister was in Syriashooting a documentary for Britain’s Channel… Continue Reading If My Contact Is On Your Phone, Please Protect It

2011 at

Friday, December 30th, 2011

Here’s a word cloud for 2011 at – mostly my blog (biased towards the end of the year): Here’s my Twitter feed for 2011: I think the insight there is that I use twitter to get a hold of Giulia a lot. As my ThinkUp installation at gains way more data than my… Continue Reading 2011 at

Results Canadians Have Been Waiting For

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

Here are the results you’ve been waiting for: the results of tracking of the Roll Up The Win Campaign from a large Canadian Coffee and Donut chain. collected tweets with the hastag #rolluptherim and extracted ratios and recorded them. The site really took off when it started tweeting back with the Twitter account… Continue Reading Results Canadians Have Been Waiting For RRRR’eturns

Friday, February 25th, 2011

My little hobby web site for tracking your luck with a large Canaidan coffee and donuts chain’s roll-up promotion is back! My previous attempt was Drupal-based, and required an account. I was never very happy with the account requirement, and played with it being a facebook App but ultimately took the site down (described in… Continue Reading RRRR’eturns