Archive for the 'top 5' Category

Notes on Clickers

Monday, January 13th, 2014

Some notes on physical and virtual classroom “clickers” that I’ve maintained in Evernote over the years and shared a few times. Seemed like a good thing to blog about. Phone-based: Turning Technologies has physical clickers and smart-phone clickers If you are using a textbook from Nelson or Pearson there might be a chance that you… Continue Reading Notes on Clickers

My Productive Practices

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

At this time of year the interwebs get very productive creating blog postings about productivity, and this blog is all about me adding  information to an existing saturation, so here goes: These two recent articles have some good ideas for a more productive 2013: Robert C. Pozen in Forbes: Erin Schulte collected thoughts from… Continue Reading My Productive Practices

10 Strategies & Arguments for Rob Ford’s Appeal

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

Here are some strategies and arguments Toronto Mayor Rob Ford could submit to the judge for his appeal of his dismissal from office over a conflict of interest conviction: Submit your argument on city letterhead, that always looks impressive. Argue that you can’t be convicted of violating a law you never read.  Your testimony was… Continue Reading 10 Strategies & Arguments for Rob Ford’s Appeal

My collection of RIMZingers

Monday, September 19th, 2011

My top-five Research In Motion jokes about their streak of poor products and refusal to attribute their current situation to their unconventional Co-CEO model: Research In Motion is said to be losing so much money now that Gary Bettman and the city of Glendale are interested in investing. At RIM our motto is “The buck… Continue Reading My collection of RIMZingers

BlackBerry Playbook

Monday, April 4th, 2011

The BlackBerry Playbook coming out on April 19th has some familiar plays in it – if you grew-up in Ontario: RIM is a Waterloo-based company RIM is/was known for their trackball The device is running the QNX operating system, developed by Waterloo/Ottawa-based QNX Software Systems (which RIM just bought) The screen and input device is… Continue Reading BlackBerry Playbook