Archive for the 'my notes' Category

I’m a PMP

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

I’m a Project Management Professional! Today in an exam centre in Mississauga Ontario I completed and passed my 4-hour exam to become a PMP. It’s been a long road, but mostly because I took my time. I first want to give my thanks to the people and employers that supported me through the process: Thanks… Continue Reading I’m a PMP

Notes on Clickers

Monday, January 13th, 2014

Some notes on physical and virtual classroom “clickers” that I’ve maintained in Evernote over the years and shared a few times. Seemed like a good thing to blog about. Phone-based: Turning Technologies has physical clickers and smart-phone clickers If you are using a textbook from Nelson or Pearson there might be a chance that you… Continue Reading Notes on Clickers