Archive for the 'help' Category
Tuesday, May 15th, 2012
A recent article in the Columbia Journalism Review by Matthieu Aikins underscored the need to protect the contents of your smartphone. If the potential to have your own information stollen or generally snooped through your stuff, please consider this story. The British journalist and filmmaker Sean McAllister was in Syriashooting a documentary for Britain’s Channel… Continue Reading If My Contact Is On Your Phone, Please Protect It
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Monday, February 21st, 2011
I’ve assembled my list of things to look for when preparing content for the web with an eye to accessibility. I would like to add to this advice that I’ve always found that accessible web pages are the easiest way to create content that is well indexed by a search engine – as both serve… Continue Reading What to Look for when Trying to Author Accessible Content: My List
Posted in educational technology, General, help, How, howto, Technology, web dev | 1 Comment »
Monday, February 21st, 2011
The draft of the AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards is currently posted on the Ministry of Community and Social Services web site. The section on “Accessible websites and web content” subsection 4 was what I was most interested in. There were only minor changes from what was in the last draft that I saw, but the… Continue Reading Web Accessibility, in the context of the AODA
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Friday, January 28th, 2011
If you’ve ever wondered what happens when you wipe an iPhone via MS Exchange here’s my video. I hope you don’t find yourself in a situation where you need to wipe your MS Exchange linked iPhone because you lost it or it was stollen, but I think everyone who has their phone connected to Exchange… Continue Reading What happens when you wipe your iPhone with Exchange
Posted in curiosity, General, help, How, howto, video | Comments Off on What happens when you wipe your iPhone with Exchange
Wednesday, December 15th, 2010
While my wife was getting a valuable two hours of sleep before she was woken with contractions signaling the birth of our first born child 19 hours later, I was not quite tired enough to sleep. UnknowingIy missing out on my last chance to sleep for a while, I was typing away at a PHP… Continue Reading PHP script to download files from GMail
Posted in help, howto, opensource, PHP, self-promotion, Technology | 1 Comment »