Archive for the 'PHP' Category

My Productive Practices

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

At this time of year the interwebs get very productive creating blog postings about productivity, and this blog is all about me adding  information to an existing saturation, so here goes: These two recent articles have some good ideas for a more productive 2013: Robert C. Pozen in Forbes: Erin Schulte collected thoughts from… Continue Reading My Productive Practices

Lunch Blog

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

I’ve started a new lunch blog! I encourage you to check it out at The site is obviously more of a joke at the expense of my daily lunch at Brock University of two penut butter and jam sandwiches that I slather in double fruit jam and chunky penut butter before I leave for… Continue Reading Lunch Blog

More websites updates

Saturday, November 5th, 2011

I’ve recent updated the main page of my website. Ever since Facebook first took off I’ve been trying to figure out how to give the various things that dribble out of my mind and are fit (or not) for on-line consumption a proper home. A proper home, might often have been my blog, but more… Continue Reading More websites updates

Moved VPS’es

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

Over the last month I’ve moved from my previous Virtual Private Server (VPS) with A2WebHosting to Linode. A2WebHosting was a good host back when I only needed a shared host, before I wanted the apache web server highly configure with a lot of extra settings and things like PHP’s APC. My transition to A2WebHosting’s VPS… Continue Reading Moved VPS’es RRRR’eturns

Friday, February 25th, 2011

My little hobby web site for tracking your luck with a large Canaidan coffee and donuts chain’s roll-up promotion is back! My previous attempt was Drupal-based, and required an account. I was never very happy with the account requirement, and played with it being a facebook App but ultimately took the site down (described in… Continue Reading RRRR’eturns