Archive for June, 2008

The Hockey Song, Blame Michael Geist?

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

Just submitted the following comment to The Creators’ Copyright Coalition article The Hockey Song? Blame Michael Geist. I’m often just as apt to do it, but it fascinates me how different people interpret the same vents differently. Remember your semiotics, all meaning is negotiated! Your article doesn’t make clear how refusal to pay for something… Continue Reading The Hockey Song, Blame Michael Geist?

Canada’s new Copyright proposals: how to make Grandma a criminal

Friday, June 13th, 2008

Want to send Grandma a DVD (OK, maybe play for her a DVD) of the latest baby pictures with your favourite Beatles songs in the background? If Canada’s proposed update to copyright law makes it into law it will result in a $500 fine for Grandma and a $20,000 fine for Mom and Dad! The… Continue Reading Canada’s new Copyright proposals: how to make Grandma a criminal

Condo Board Wiki

Thursday, June 12th, 2008

Mainly for Google’s [search engine’s] sake, I’d like to announce our Condo Board’s wiki. It’s run/hosted by Google’s sites tool at and is currently hosting on-line copies of our newsletters and contact info, etc. at

Great ready to download Firefox 3

Thursday, June 12th, 2008

Firefox three is on its way, later this month June 17th. It’s a big improvement, mainly because its faster than previous versions running JavaScript (great for Webmail, digg, etc.). This speed boost is most noticeable on the Mac because Mozilla developers discovered un-documented features in OSX that made the second-rate web browser Safari faster.

Penguins extend their cup run, Alexa McDonough retires

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

I wanted to first acknowledge the achievements Alexa McDonough has had in her carer and then point-out the the media-savvy that characterized her tenure as leader of the NDP: She announced her retirement on the same night as game five of the Stanley Cup series. Her feature interview on the CBC main network should run… Continue Reading Penguins extend their cup run, Alexa McDonough retires