Archive for December, 2009

Google maps updates satellite images of GTA

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

Looks like Google recently updated their satellite images of the GTA. Our house is finally recorded in satellite images, and the FantAcura. The street maps aren’t updated yet, but that will come. If you’re looking for a free-for-reuse and more updated map I’d recommend Update, Bing Maps just came out of beta — and… Continue Reading Google maps updates satellite images of GTA

Cheap plastic tree stand

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

Lindz and I bought a Christmas tree on Sunday and put it up in our cheap plastic tree stand that day. This is the first year we’ve put the tree up on our main floor with 9′ ceilings, so we went with a 8′ tree. Monday night we decorated it and went to bed. At… Continue Reading Cheap plastic tree stand

Drobo Rebuilds Itself

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

For those of you who are wondering what a drobo looks like when it’s rebuilding itself. The drobo allows you to make Moore’s law work for you. The 1 TeraByte drive being replaced cost $20 less than the dead drive being replaced. If your curious the original drive was a Seagate/Barracuda, the new one is… Continue Reading Drobo Rebuilds Itself