Archive for February, 2005

Autoshow 1

Friday, February 18th, 2005

Here’s my pictures from the 2005 Auto Show. My review is to come, but first, to the bar!

Happy Flag Day!

Tuesday, February 15th, 2005

Here’s what the sizable opposition wanted to remain as our flag. One has to assume that it was because of monarchists and ex-brits that there was such concern over our current, and perfect, flag. I guess that’s the difference between and ex-brit and an expert.

Scrolling Track Pad on my PowerBook!

Monday, February 14th, 2005

Two weeks ago Apple released the latest revision of their PowerBooks. I bought mine at the end of the summer, and I don’t feel like I missed out on this update. I’m happy with the 1.3 GHz processor I have, and the speed-bump of 1.5 GHz that my machine would have got doesn’t bother me.… Continue Reading Scrolling Track Pad on my PowerBook!

North Korea – a real threat

Friday, February 11th, 2005

Two years ago Hans Blix gave a 45 minute presentation to the UN that concluded that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. Two years and a day later North Korea openly claims to have Nuclear Weapons (maybe 2 years to the day if you are generous with the international date line). This is the… Continue Reading North Korea – a real threat

The Millennium Falcon is back!

Thursday, February 10th, 2005

Hasbro has reissued the Millennium Falcon! The greatest toy I have ever had, and thusly the one which I probably abused the most, is born again. I’ll have to go out and get one, and perhaps treat this one a little better. If I’m really going to geek-it-up I should buy a Mac mini and… Continue Reading The Millennium Falcon is back!