Archive for May 21st, 2007

Conservative auto-rebate plan: affront to nature and market

Monday, May 21st, 2007

I’m a big Honda fan, be it my own Super-Civic (the Canada only Acura EL), or the VTEC engine technology they pioneered, or the ailing-but-still-better-than-Toyota’s F1 team they run and their commitment to the planet earth. In fact it’s that commitment I want to draw attention to. Honda was the first company to have it’s… Continue Reading Conservative auto-rebate plan: affront to nature and market

Tree sap and more on my car

Monday, May 21st, 2007

This weekend Lindz and I had our marriage perpetration course in a semi-rural part of Mississauga. It was some nice quality time for me to share with Lindsay and nature. Sunday afternoon while we where leaving my relationship with Lindsay couldn’t have been better, my relationship with nature was at a serious low. Here’s what… Continue Reading Tree sap and more on my car