Archive for February, 2007

Predicting When Brock University Should be Closed

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

Brock University has an “Inturuptions of Normal Operations” policy: The prcoess is clear, but the interpretation is not. Yesterday’s events have clarified this. Here’s the section that’s important: On any day when weather or other events could challenge the regular functioning of the University, or when other Niagara institutions are announcing closures, the Executive… Continue Reading Predicting When Brock University Should be Closed

Acura-terain-vehicle passing sport cutes!

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

I made it in to work! The snow down here in St. Catharines is pretty heavy, but my little car and its appropriate tires did fine this morning. I went through the city because the OPP were asking people to stay off the highway and I would have felt pretty sheepish if I got in… Continue Reading Acura-terain-vehicle passing sport cutes!

Adam Crapsi for Prez

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

I would like to take this opportunity to endorse Adam Crapsi for president of the Brock University Students’ Council. I’m not a student, so I can’t vote, but if I could I would vote for him because: That’s a multi-million dollar leak he wants to fix and, as I’m not a student, I’d love for… Continue Reading Adam Crapsi for Prez

More BlackBoard v. Sakai News

Thursday, February 1st, 2007

Apparently my blog has become, between the Smashing Pumpkins and car postings, a bit a of a reference about BlackBoard’s U.S. Patent No. 6,988,138 – their patent of the electronic teaching and learning of human beings. BlackBoard (Bb) now owns it’s major competition, WebCT, which is the tool that consumes most of my day job.… Continue Reading More BlackBoard v. Sakai News