Archive for the 'teaching' Category

Hate Sakai?

Monday, January 25th, 2010

Hate Sakai? Do I have a “bumper sticker” for you: Opinions on SAKAI Love Sakai? has a “bumper sticker” for that too: Opinions on SAKAI I just find the whole idea of a web site that aggregates opinionated tweets and provides bumper stickers about opinions expressed on Twitter to be a novelty.

Using a wiki to document Isaak, Brock University’s Sakai-Based LMS

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Brock University’s documentation for Isaak, Brock University’s Sakai-Based Learning Management System (LMS), is maintained within a wiki at This wiki is intended to be a practical, readable, guide that is aware of the context that instructors use Sakai/Isaak for teaching at Brock University. What follows I had actually hoped to present on this at… Continue Reading Using a wiki to document Isaak, Brock University’s Sakai-Based LMS

Using Cameras for Recording and Reviewing Mini Lessons

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

This article can also be found in a better laid-out version in the Brock University teaching wiki. As a facilitator of Instructional Skills Workshops (ISW) [ISW organization web site] I’m concerned about using cameras for recording and reviewing mini lessons and the challenge this has become. The ISW program/model is a 25 year old, peer-based,… Continue Reading Using Cameras for Recording and Reviewing Mini Lessons