Archive for the 'Headlines' Category

BlackBerry Playbook

Monday, April 4th, 2011

The BlackBerry Playbook coming out on April 19th has some familiar plays in it – if you grew-up in Ontario: RIM is a Waterloo-based company RIM is/was known for their trackball The device is running the QNX operating system, developed by Waterloo/Ottawa-based QNX Software Systems (which RIM just bought) The screen and input device is… Continue Reading BlackBerry Playbook

Speak out on Copyright in Canada

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

The Conservative party’s take on Copyright reform, Bill C-32, is working its way through the parliamentary process. The last two copyright reform bills in Canada have died on the order paper, so it’s about time we revisit copyright as the Conservative government looks long in the tooth. The Bill C-32 Legislative Committee has invited Canadians… Continue Reading Speak out on Copyright in Canada

Started building my Toronto Maple Leafs bandwagon

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

The Toronto Maple Leafs have won all three of their games so far this year. As of right now they are tied for first place over all with Washington. I’ve started building my bandwagon so that it’s ready for the Stanley Cup parade. Haven’t found any wheels yet, should I be worried that as soon… Continue Reading Started building my Toronto Maple Leafs bandwagon

Rescue of the Chilean miners

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

The rescue of the Chilean miners has been a great triumph of engineering and the human spirt. Congratulations to the nation of Chile and everyone involved. What a great story, and what great television. I started watching the first three miners rescued last night and watched a more of the rescues on-line at work. The… Continue Reading Rescue of the Chilean miners

FaceTime Ads

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Apple always succeeds when they make it feel like their technology enables the best of human emotions and experience. It’s really hard to watch this video and at the end of the 60 seconds not feel like you need to buy the phone to feel this way again….. then you realize that you’d have to… Continue Reading FaceTime Ads