Archive for the 'curiosity' Category

What happens when you wipe your iPhone with Exchange

Friday, January 28th, 2011

If you’ve ever wondered what happens when you wipe an iPhone via MS Exchange here’s my video. I hope you don’t find yourself in a situation where you need to wipe your MS Exchange linked iPhone because you lost it or it was stollen, but I think everyone who has their phone connected to Exchange… Continue Reading What happens when you wipe your iPhone with Exchange

Giant Molson Coors Beer Vat Creep by Our House

Sunday, January 9th, 2011

Full gallery can be found here Roy Tanck‘s Flickr Widget requires Flash Player 9 or better.Get this widget at The convoy hauling six giant beer vats passed our house. You can follow to track their progress. This was one of my first attempts at night photography with the DSLR.

Street view snowmobile/olympics

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Way to organize the worlds information Google! Meet the street view snowmobile. Deployed at the Whistler site of the Vancouver Olympics. I think the next step is to strap one to the top of a curling rock! The only way they can get street view inside the house without a lawsuit.

Hate Sakai?

Monday, January 25th, 2010

Hate Sakai? Do I have a “bumper sticker” for you: Opinions on SAKAI Love Sakai? has a “bumper sticker” for that too: Opinions on SAKAI I just find the whole idea of a web site that aggregates opinionated tweets and provides bumper stickers about opinions expressed on Twitter to be a novelty.

Bombay Company

Monday, January 7th, 2008

Over the holidays you might have noticed that the Bombay Company is going out of business after a failed business plan of moving out of their prime mall locations then moving back into worse mall locations. Am I the only one left wondering if they’ll come back as the Mumbai Company?