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December 2020

SMA3 College Metric Weights and Allocations Dashboard

Adding to the dashboard I created to compare Ontario Universities’ metrics in 2020-2025 Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA3) I’ve created one for colleges as well. SMA3 will be governing Ontario publicly funded higher education provincial funding and includes performance-based metrics. The colleges have 9 of the same metrics as universities, but… Read More »SMA3 College Metric Weights and Allocations Dashboard

SMA3 Institutional Strength and Focus

The roadmap for differentiation and Ontario’s Strategic Mandate Agreements (SMAs) was first proposed in the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario’s (HEQCO’s) 2010 report The Benefits of Greater Differentiation of Ontario’s University Sector (Weingarten & Deller). Following the roadmap that was outlined by Weingarten and Deller (2013) the SMA framework… Read More »SMA3 Institutional Strength and Focus

SMA3 University Metric Weights and Allocations Dashboard

Not only does the 2020-2025 Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA3) governing Ontario Universities’ provincial funding have performance-based metrics, with two metrics nominated by each university, the metrics are also weighted by each university. Weights across the 10 metrics are to be between 5% and 25% in 2022-23, weights can be up… Read More »SMA3 University Metric Weights and Allocations Dashboard