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SMA3 Metric: Graduate Employment Rate in a Related Field

Without the mitigations against anti-access selectivity found in established PBF programs this metric has the potential to do twice the harm to student access goals while being generally redundant to the established graduation rate metric and possibly the similarly untested year 3+ metric graduate employment earnings.

The How of SMA3 Measures, Targets & Weights

MCU published the Ontario university and college SMA3s on November 26, 2020. These documents described the targets that had been negotiated individually with the MCU and each institution, as well as the weighting of each PBF metric over each year covered by SMA3. Unlike most other PBF programs, each metric… Read More »The How of SMA3 Measures, Targets & Weights

SMA3: Strength and Focus

In the SM2 Dashboard I created, slide five contains what each university had identified as their Program areas of Strength and reflected their rank (deliberate or otherwise) in each university’s SMA document. Slide six added to that with Program areas of expansion. That exercise appeared to be much more about… Read More »SMA3: Strength and Focus

SMA3 Institutional Strength and Focus

The roadmap for differentiation and Ontario’s Strategic Mandate Agreements (SMAs) was first proposed in the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario’s (HEQCO’s) 2010 report The Benefits of Greater Differentiation of Ontario’s University Sector (Weingarten & Deller). Following the roadmap that was outlined by Weingarten and Deller (2013) the SMA framework… Read More »SMA3 Institutional Strength and Focus

SMA3 University Metric Weights and Allocations Dashboard

Not only does the 2020-2025 Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA3) governing Ontario Universities’ provincial funding have performance-based metrics, with two metrics nominated by each university, the metrics are also weighted by each university. Weights across the 10 metrics are to be between 5% and 25% in 2022-23, weights can be up… Read More »SMA3 University Metric Weights and Allocations Dashboard

SMA3: Each University’s Economic Impact Metric

Part of the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities instructions to universities was to create an institutional economic impact metric and a definition. The metric should demonstrate the economic impact of their institution, using ministry established principles. Here are the rough themes of what all 21 universities selected as their… Read More »SMA3: Each University’s Economic Impact Metric

Ontario Publishes the Third Generation of Strategic Management Agreements: Performance-Based Funding

On April 11, 2019 the government of Ontario announced its first full budget that brought changes to how Ontario’s Post-Secondary Education system is funded, announcing that up to 60% will be performance-based by the 2024–25 academic year. A change in ministers and the outbreak of a global pandemic later: November… Read More »Ontario Publishes the Third Generation of Strategic Management Agreements: Performance-Based Funding

Getting Ready for SMA3

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities are finishing their bilateral discussions with colleges and universities towards the establishment of SMA3. Consultations have largely concluded with sub-institutional stakeholders and now SMA3 drafts are circulating. March 31st, 2020 is when SMA2 expires and SMA3 is finalized. The University of Windsor has an… Read More »Getting Ready for SMA3

A Bounty of Metrics, A Bafflegab of Measures and Targets

One of my motivations for compiling this information was to highlight that even the twenty-one system-wide metrics, did not have system-wide methods for measuring targets. Practically, each university has been able to provide public updates based on these measures for their first-year SMA report (Brock University, University of Toronto, Western… Read More »A Bounty of Metrics, A Bafflegab of Measures and Targets

How Universities Describe Themselves in SMA2

Did the roadmap for differentiation was first proposed in the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario’s (HEQCO’s) 2010 report The Benefits of Greater Differentiation of Ontario’s University Sector (Weingarten & Deller) and the subsequent framework created by MTCU in 2013 yield differentiated SMAs for SMA2? I used a corpus-based critical… Read More »How Universities Describe Themselves in SMA2

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