Updates from the PassNerd

Tue Aug 31 15:05:23 2010 EDT (-0400 GMT)

My web site passnerd.com has had some recent updates.

Here’s what to look for:

  • There’s a new complexity picker.
  • The site has got even more light-weight and should load even faster than before.
  • There is a new mobile version ( preview it at passnerd.com/?mobile )
  • You can enter the password length into the URL, for example: 6 characters passnerd.com/6 , 12 passnerd.com/12 , 32 passnerd.com/32 — worth bookmarking.

The site still is a quick way to have a scure password suggested to you from work done one YOUR computer, not “my” end. I created the site as a service to those who need it, and it makes pennies a year, but one of these days if it earns enough I’ll create an HTTPS version – but I want to stress that it’s just as secure without it because it uses JavaScript on YOUR computer’s end to create the password.

I’m always looking for suggestions or feedback from anyone that is willing to share them.

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