Take on Image Spam

Thu Nov 9 10:16:44 2006 EST (-0500 GMT)

HawkWings.net has a good write-up on MacInTouch reader Bill Benson’s rule for fighting image based spam. Basically, most of this image spam contains a heading Content-Type which contains multipart/related. You have to add the header to your rules in Mail.app, but that’s the only tough part. I would recommend you set the filter to change the background colour until you know everything is working.


Update: You may want to add something like “From” does not contain [email protected].

2 Responses to “Take on Image Spam”

  1. nils ellingsen Says:

    You can also block this type of spam at the server-level, Mac OS X server has clamAV and SpamAssasin built-in, with a little tweaking i installed a sa-plugin that does OCR on the images, and then classifies certian words as spam! Its kind of magic! 😉

    If you run SpamAssasin I highly reccomend the FuzzyOCR plugin, my gif-spams dropped from 2-4 a day to zero the first week using it.


  2. Rich Says:

    Nice tip … just set it up so we’ll see how it works out.