Thanks Coach.
Fri Dec 17 20:34:41 2004 EST (-0500 GMT)Ted Nolan, former coach of the Buffalo Sabers and other good teams, surprised us by wanting to use our department’s facilities to send a message to a hockey coaching workshop in Yellowknife today. A friend of his who works at Brock called us up Thursday afternoon to do it Friday morning. He showed up, we sat him in front of a camera and tried to put an interesting background behind him, and started recording.
I then plugged it into my PowerBook, download the video, titled it, and compressed and published a high and low quality version and published it to a web site (which I won’t give you the URL for!). Later that day the guys in Yellow Knife where able to present it to the group, saving an air flight.
He’s a really nice guy, and had some good comments on coaching in general. How’s a coach-of-the-year and nice guy like that not get renewed by the Sabers? One more reason not to like the Sabers.