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Getting Ready for SMA3

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities are finishing their bilateral discussions with colleges and universities towards the establishment of SMA3. Consultations have largely concluded with sub-institutional stakeholders and now SMA3 drafts are circulating.

March 31st, 2020 is when SMA2 expires and SMA3 is finalized. The University of Windsor has an excellent Strategic Mandate Agreement 3 (2020-2025) Process web site, which includes the timeline above.

Some casual searching of the web yields drafts by

With just those three examples it is clear that SMA3 is much more standardized than SMA2 and provides much less opportunity for institutions to describe their programs, partnerships, visions, missions and goals than SMA2 did. Separate from SMA3’s ability to realize policy goals, they will at least be much easier to compare than the previous SMAs.